Danielle Bennett

Hey Guys, welcome to my blog :)

Sunday, 5 December 2010


Questionnaire Results:
In order to have an idea about what type of magazine features my target audience would like to see, I uploaded a few polls onto my blog for people of both genders and ages around 16-22 to vote on. By doing this, I have a less bias view on my ideas, and get to see what other people would like to see.
My results were as follows: 
Would you prefer to see text or photos featured inside the magazine?
From this poll I have found out that my target audience would prefer to see photos inside the magazine. As the result came out with 4 votes for text, this was more than I expected so I will be adding in quite a bit of text, but mainly photos.

 Which genre of music would you like to see features in the magazine?
This clearly shows that my target audience would prefer to read an Acoustic magazine as supposed to a Rock, Pop, R&B or any other genre. As a result of this poll, I have decided to base my magazine around an Acoustic genre.

Would you prefer to see black and white photos on the front cover, or bright colours?
These results show that my target audience would prefer to see Black and white photos on the cover of my magazine, rather than bright colours. I will bare this information in mind whilst editing my shots. 

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