Danielle Bennett

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Monday, 21 March 2011

Crime Drama

Dani and Jono's Crime Drama!

'Crime Justice' is a crime drama set in London, the fundamental concept driving the ploto this episode is a missing child report, the last time she was seen she was next to the penguin enclosure whilst her mother left her briefly to obtain her daughters dropped jacket. By the time she returned her daughter was gone and the speaker anounced that the park was closing, forcing her to leave and wait for her daughter outside the zoo. After notify security and several hours of searching the zoo, security called the police where 'The Detective'[1] and Roxie [2] found a lock of hair in the woman's toilets basin, which the DNA matches the hair left on the previously dropped jacket, there was also a fingeprint on the mirror of the bathroom, which matches to a woman who was considered a missing person 20 years ago and presumed dead.

Name: Only known as 'The Detective'. Real name unknown
Role in Crime Drama: Detective
Age: 58
About him: He is an 'old school' veteran in the police force and was moved to the Detective Agency years ago due to his violent and aggressie attitude and lack of consideration towards Police rulebook. He has no family and the closest thing he has to a friend is his assistant Roxie who has helped him solve crimes for the last two years, she keeps The Detective from getting into too much trouble and isn't effected by his arrogance like the other assistants 'The Detective' has had in the past. Although he acts like a stereotypical tough guy bad cop,whenever he's alone he has brief moments where he stares woefully at a picture of his wife and is extremely vulnerable at those moments. He has a serious drinking problem as he became an alcholic twenty years ago after his wife went missing.

Name: Roxie
Role in Crime Drama: Detectives Assistant
Age: 25
About her: She is Dangerously clever in the way she gets her information, by not playing by the rules set by her superiors. Her determined attitude can sometimes land her into tricky situations, which are overlooked due to the detectives reliance on her unchallenged crime solving abilities. Although she may seem like your typical slut, her inner abilities prove her to be a much more complicated yet illustrious character.

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