Danielle Bennett

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Sunday, 20 February 2011

Double Page Spread Article


"I'm not the person everyone thinks I am!"

What inspired you to start a career as a singer?
Umm.. to be honest, there was nothing inparticular that inspired me, it was mainly just something that came along with getting older. From a very early age I always knew I wanted to use my musical talent to get a career in the industry, but never really thought it would actually happen. As I grew up and became more and more passionate about singing, I was so eager to follow my dreams and make it happen, then it just kind of went from there really.

How did you first get into the music industry?
Well once I had decided to go through with my plans to try and get into the industry, my friends and family were so encouraging with my passion. They told everyone they knew about me which opened me to so many doors. I then started busking in the local town, using the money for recording experience with my own songs. From there I got signed quite quickly by the manager which brought me to where I am today, and I am very thankful to everyone that has helped me along the way.

What was your first ever song about?
My first ever song that I made was so personal to me as it was obviously at the time when I was just getting started with my serious career. I was just growing up and everything was changing so fast, my ambitions were approaching and I was finding it hard to keep up with school work, friends and family. I was so caught up in the moment and didnt know what to do with myself, so I just put pen to paper, and wrote my first song which I guess has made me the person I am today.

Is musical talent something that runs in your family?
Errr.. lets just say they have stronger talents in other departments. My mum is a decent singer I suppose, but my dad and brother ALWAYS lost at kareoke. haha! So yeah, no idea where my talent comes from, but I hope it's something that I can pass down to future generations because I would love for it to change their lives as it has changed mine.

Do you ever get stage fright or feel nervous?

Yeah, I get nervous all the time before big gigs and performances! Even my family will tell you that I'm not actually the person everyone thinks I am. Obviously being a celebrity you have to put on a confident front, but in reality, I have the same nerves as everyone else, if not more! I just try to take a step back, not thinking about the crowd, and go out there to perform my best and put on a good show.

Do you have any passions, other than music?
Umm, playing the guitar, singing and songwriting are my main passions but I also enjoy alot of sports, particularly football but I had to give that up to focus on my music career. Sometimes I miss doing a range of different things and being active all the time, but I also wouldnt change it for the world!
What do your friends think about your career?

As I said before, my friends and family have always supported me for the whole time i've known them. Obviously people change and some don't accept that, which has had its impacts on friendships, but i've also gained so many new friends since that its not really a worry of mine anymore. I find it hard to keep in touch with everyone as i'm very often travelling all over the place, running around sorting everything out but I do always find time for the family and best friends.

What can we expect to see from you in the future?
I hope for you to see a wider range of genres from my collection, and hope to work with other artists to create collaborative songs appealing to many different audiences, and maybe even travelling to different countries to play if im lucky.

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